
Anne of Green Gables 2015-06-01

This is one of my favorite books and is regarded as a children's classic by the world. It is a story of an eleven year old orphan girl, Anne Shirley, who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a middle-aged brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in Prince Edward Island. The story has Anne entering a school, then a college and o on. This is a wonderful book and I'd be surprised if you haven't read it.

- Gargi

Twinkling Book For children 2015-12-24

a small book with nature included in the book. It creates a sensation of beautiful mood in children. This book really shows the importance of nature all around us. Children can learn many things fro, this great book. Inspite of a small story, it do gives a large message to children which must be actually learned in early age. Great book For Primary Children..

- Vasanth

A timeless classic 2016-09-04

Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery is based on the journey of an orphan, Anne. Anne is hot headed and ambitious. She is extremely talkative and imaginative. She is adopted by the Cuthbert siblings. She goes to her school and develops an intense rivalry against Gilbert Blythe, her fellow student. It is a tale of friendship, competition, love and laughter. The characters have been created in such a way that everyone can relate to them. It is almost impossible to not want to delve deeper into this book. It is definitely worth reading.

- Chitteshwari